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Blick ins Restaurant | © Hotel Schloss Mönchstein Voir la galerie


The award-winning restaurant The Glass Garden enchants its guests with more than just culinary delights. The architectural design in the form of a glass dome contrasts with the medieval Mönchstein Castle. Sophisticated lighting, handcrafted furniture and the Chrysolite Aqua Tower, a mouth-blown glass sculpture by American artist Dale Chihuly, create a unique atmosphere.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine with international influences
  • Vegan meals
Dining Spaces
  • 1 room
  • Seats inside: 40
  • Gault Millau: 4 toques, 17.5/20 (2024)
Additional Amenities
  • Private parking lot
  • Charging station for electric cars
  • Bachelor/-ette parties expressly prohibited

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