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Innenansicht | © Das Weinamt Voir la galerie

Das Wein-Amt

Cosy, down-to-earth wine bar (also offering beer) with local dishes and selected quality wines at reasonable prices. Here you can feel good and relax - a little off the beaten track.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian cuisine (down-to-earth Brettljause and homemade spreads as well as Styrian specialities)
  • Vegetarian meals
  • Quality wines from Wagram, Lower Austria and Styria
Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • 1 room
  • Seats per room: 30
  • Seats in outdoor seating area: 20
  • Groups welcome up to 20 persons
Additional Amenities
  • Dogs allowed
  • Bachelor/-ette parties allowed
  • Live sports broadcast

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