
  • What is the Mozart Week?
    Since 1956, the Mozarteum Foundation has organized the Mozart Week annually on the occasion of W.A. Mozart's birthday on 27 January. Mozart's music is at the centre of this event. Every year a new musical focus is set.
  • When will the Mozart Week 2024 take place?
    From 24 January - 4 February 2024
  • Where do the events take place?
    The venues are the Great Hall of the Mozarteum Foundation, the Vienna Hall of the Mozarteum Foundation, the Salzburg Landestheater, the Great Festival Theatre, the Rock Riding School, the House for Mozart, the Salzburg Puppet Theatre, the DomQuartier Salzburg, the Tanzmeistersaal in Mozart's residence, the Mozart Sound and Film Collection of the Mozarteum Foundation, the ARGEkultur, the Salzburg SCENE, Mozartplatz as well as the forecourts of Mozart's birthplace and residence and the OVAL in Europark.
  • How much do the tickets for the Mozart Week cost?
    Depending on the venue and category, tickets cost between € 12 and € 250. The concerts on Mozartplatz and the forecourts in front of Mozart's birthplace and residence are free of charge.