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Mozart's Bust at Kapuzinerberg | © Tourismus Salzburg/ K. Brugger Показать галерею

Bust of Mozart on the Kapuzinerberg

On the Kapuzinerberg, only a few steps beyond the Capuchin Monastery, a bronze bust commemorates the great Salzburg composer Wolfgang Amadé Mozart.

How long has the Mozart bust been there?

The Magic Flute House and a bust of Mozart were installed on the Kapuzinerberg in 1877, on the occasion of a Mozart festival known as the “1st International Music Festival in Salzburg”. Originally bronzed plaster, it was finally replaced in 1881 by the bronze bust we know today, created by Edmund Helmer.

Where is the Mozart bust located?

This memorial is approximately 120 meters beyond the Capuchin Monastery, right next to the so-called Wachestöckl, a former toll house.

What is the inscription on the Mozart bust?

The inscription on the pedestal is a quotation from singer M. Wilhelmine van Hasselt-Barth, a contemporary of Mozart, and reads: “Jung groß – spät erkannt – nie erreicht” (essentially: “Great at a young age – recognized too late – never equaled”).


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