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Stimmungsvoller Weihnachtsmarkt am Mirabellplatz | © Tourismus Salzburg / B. Brunauer Показать галерею

Christmas Market on Mirabellplatz

Anyone who wants to experience a small, atmospheric Advent market away from the big crowds, will find the perfect ingredients at the market on Mirabellplatz: punch, delicious Christmas treats, and no shortage of locals.

Warm, festive atmosphere across from St. Andrew’s Church

In recent years, the Christmas market in front of Mirabell Palace has developed into a magnet for young and old. A wide selection of mouthwatering foods, mulled wine, strolling between artistically decorated huts with out-of-the-ordinary products: the perfect location, in other words, to while away some time with family and friends during the run-up to Christmas. Essentially in the center of Salzburg, this Christmas market is conveniently located for public transportation. The bus stop, and the parking garage, are located directly opposite, while the train station is only a few minutes’ walk away.

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