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Traditionsbetrieb Hanna Trachten | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Показать галерею

Hanna Tracht Fashions

Hanna Trachten, a well-established Salzburg business, offers traditional as well as modern folk fashions and dirndls, also made from their own fabric prints.

Extraordinary printed fabrics and custom pieces

Hanna Trachten is famous for its own fabric prints such as the “Papageno”, as well as the excellent fit of its dirndls. The designing and tailoring are done in the workshop at the Bruderhof; with items custom-manufactured on demand. The shops on Linzer Gasse and, since 2011, on Goldgasse offer complete folk outfits for ladies, men and children. Their collections are both colorful and exciting, with accessories ranging from knitted trinkets to wool fabrics. Expert assistance and their willingness to cater to customers’ special wishes are further strengths of this business.

Family tradition par excellence

The premises on Linzer Gasse used to belong to the Salzburg archdiocese. It was here that Johanna Kurz, who had studied fashion in Vienna, opened her shop in 1952. Through her multifaceted creativity, she captured the spirit of the times to perfection. Her son Johannes, himself a master tailor and graduate of the folkwear program at the Annahof, took over the business in 2007. His daughter, Constanze, is also following in the family footsteps and has eagerly embraced the life’s work of her grandmother.

  • Product range: Dirndl dress collection made with in-house pattern prints, aprons, blouses, accessories, Tracht for kids, Lederhosen, shirts, waistcoats, scarves, hats, blazers, jackets, suits, knitted jackets
  • Special features: Shoes that go perfectly with Dirndl dresses

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