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Trachtenangbot für Groß und Klein | © moser - Salzburger Trachten Показать галерею

moser - Salzburger Trachten

The traditional costume shop 'moser' in Salzburg sees itself as a traditional brand for everyone. You will find a wide selection of traditional costumes for women, men and children.

The H. Moser tailor shop was founded in 1928. Since then the family-run business has won international acclaim for its Trachten, loden and sports apparel. H. Moser's Trachten fashions combine traditional and modern aspects, classic elegance and casual lifestyle. The wide range of jackets, coats, kilts, capes, slacks, skirts, blouses, shirts, lederhosen, dirndls, loden wear and pullovers manufactured by H. Moser for women, men and children is remarkable. Two new collections for spring/summer and fall/winter fashions are designed each year, integrating the latest trends in color, design and fabrics in traditional Trachten styles. H. Moser also manufactures all of the Trachten costumes for the cast of "The Sound of Music“ musical at the Salzburg State Theater starring Uwe Kröger and Wietske van Tongeren: dirndls made of embroidered velvet, loden jackets, worsted yarn frocks, lederhosen and much, much more. The costumes were designed by the manager of H.Moser's tailor shop in collaboration with Court Watson from the U.S., in charge of the set and costume design, and the State Theater's artistic director, Carl Philip von Maldeghem. All of the costumes are manufactured by H. Moser's custom tailors in Salzburg. The original Trachten worn in The Sound of Music can be purchased at the H. Moser store on Herbert v. Karajanplatz. The first 20 Trachten sweaters were already sent to the descendants of Baron and Maria von Trapp in America – for the staff of the Trapp Family Lodge in Vermont.

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