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Kinderdirndl Kathi | © Susanne Spatt GmbH Показать галерею

Susanne Spatt Trachtenkinder

At the Susanne Spatt store in Getreidegasse you will find top-quality traditional Austrian fashions for young children. With an attentive eye to delightful details, they offer everything youngsters need for a first-class folkwear wardrobe.

Traditional fashion made in Austria

Susanne Spatt folk fashions for children have stood for highest quality since 1996. Her collections are manufactured exclusively from premium materials such as satin, silk, linen or cotton. Furthermore, all embroidery is done meticulously by hand.

Children love traditions

Dirndl dresses with hand-printed aprons, child-appropriate blazers and janker jackets, easy-care blouses and shirts as well as charming accessories and lederhosen allow the tradition to thrive. Colourful craftsmanship is a common thread running through the entire Susanne Spatt children’s folkwear collection. Upscale fabrics, precise cuts, painstaking workmanship and love for detail in pursuit of a single goal: only the best is good enough for children.

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