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construction inspection Museum of Natural History and Technology | © Initiative Architektur / Jana Breuste Показать галерею

The Salzburg Architecture Initiative

The Architecture Initiative was founded with the goal of dedicating itself to contemporary architecture in Salzburg. Since 2018, Architekturhaus Salzburg has served as a vibrant venue for special events, education and communication.

The history of an institution

The Architecture Initiative was established in 1993, since when it has actively pursued communicative activities focused on contemporary architecture in the Salzburg region. The fact that Salzburg does not possess an architectural school at the university level prompted the creation of a platform for active professional as well as public discussion of this particular aspect of human coexistence. In 1996, the Architecture Initiative joined forces with other institutions from various Austrian provinces in order to create the “Austrian Architecture Foundation”.

The Mission of the Architecture Initiative

Encounters with modern architecture by means of guided tours, talks, symposia, films and excursions are a focal point for the Initiative. Other priorities include public relations to promote a culture that values contemporary architecture, the organization and implementation of prizes in architecture as well as the release of publications.

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