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Kinder mit Hund | © Wildbild Показать галерею

Trachtenmoden Lanz - Children

The Lanz family – a fixture in Salzburg's traditional costume scene for over 100 years – produces quality jankers [traditional jackets], lederhosen and dirndl dresses – also for children.

From rustic traditional costume to international fame

The roots of the Lanz family's old-established business go back to the 1920s. Their vision of taking traditional costume fashion out of the rural setting and onto the international stage saw them outfit celebrities such as Elizabeth Taylor, Billy Wilder and Placido Domingo.

Traditional costume fashion for children

Lanz also tailors traditional costume fashion for children – from dirndl dresses to the classic janker and robust lederhosen. The Lanz shop for kids' traditional costume fashion at Kranzlmarkt/Getreidegasse has been offering young traditional costume enthusiasts a wide range of garments since 1994.

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