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Küchenfee Traditionsbetrieb | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Показать галерею

Zur Küchenfee - The kitchen fairy

An almost curious paradise for useful everyday gadgets, the Küchenfee [lit. kitchen fairy] is magical in the truest sense of the word. But anyone looking for household gadgets from the past that were thought to have disappeared will also find what they are looking for in Salzburg's right-hand old town.

"Fairy-like" old-established business

The Küchenfee has been located in the so-called "French Hutterhaus" in Linzer Gasse 56 since 1929. Meanwhile, Erhard Rothbart runs the traditional shop with kitchen products of all kinds. Some of the oldest regular customers already shopped there with their mothers when they were schoolgirls!

Household gadgets of all kinds

"We have almost everything" is the motto, and indeed an incredible range opens up over the four floors: from cookware to iron skillets and porcelain to meat grinders, poppy seed mills or accessories for preserving, you can buy everything here. Many people also turn to the Küchenfee with special requests – knowing that they are very likely find what they are looking for. Numerous suppliers ensure a well-stocked warehouse, and the products are shipped all over the world.

  • Product range: Swedish cast iron cookware, pressure cookers, Lilien porcelain, cutlery, household gadgets, baking accessories, Riess enamel cookware, decorative items by Goebel (e.g. cats by Rosina Wachtmeister)
  • Speciality: pressure cooker repairs, knife sharpening, online shop

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