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Adventmarkt der Rupertiritter | © Ordenssitz der Rupertiritter Mostrar galeria

Advent Market of the Order of the Rupert Knights

Regional handicrafts, volunteers and a good cause – are what make up the small Advent market at the St. Sebastian guesthouse on Linzergasse.

Advent "with heart"

The secular order of the Knights of St. Rupert (founded in Salzburg in 1701) organises a small Advent market every year at the St. Sebastian guesthouse. It sells lovingly designed tree decorations, woodcarvings and products made of Swiss stone pine and is sheltered from the cold and snow. The products are all "Made in Salzburg and Upper Austria". Refreshments are provided by the Coffee House in the Bruderhof. The proceeds of the Advent Market is invested primarily in the training of young artists.

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