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Eislaufen | © © Verein Salzburger Chriskindlmarkt Voir la galerie

Eiszauber ice rink on Mozartplatz

The ice rink on Mozartplatz in the heart of Salzburg's old town is a unique venue for winter sports and fun.

Ice-skating in the town centre

The ice rink at the foot of the Mozart monument is particularly captivating because of its unique setting. The Neue Residenz, the Salzburg Christmas Museum, Residenzplatz and the Cathedral are all in the immediate vicinity. Ice skates are available for rent on site.


The Eiszauber ice rink is run by the Salzburg Christmas Market Association. This widens the offer not only during the Advent period, since the ice rink is open until the end of January. The catering stand on Mozartplatz is the same dark green as the stands on the Christmas market and provides ice skaters and spectators with a range of drinks and snacks.

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