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Fischgewässer Autobahnsee

The water has an area of 80,000 m2 and is fed by the groundwater. Today it is privately owned, but may be used for fishing and swimming. The tenant and fishing license issuer is the army sports club Wals section sport fishing. Common species include carp, tench, pike, amur, waller, zander, bream, sturgeon and eel. Starting shot for the respective season is the 16th of March. Catch: 4 fish may be caught, but only 1 predatory fish. Sturgeon spared year-round. License prices: Day ticket € 15 (€ 20 for non-members) 24 hour ticket € 20 (non-members € 25), block of 10 € 120 (non-members € 180), annual ticket = combination ticket for Ausschneeider and Autobahnsee € 350. Annual passes f. Non-members (Autobahnsee / Auschneider) including night fishing at the motorway lake around € 500.


Heeresportverein Wals
Sektion Sportfischen Sportfischen
Schwarzenberg Kaserne
Kasernen Strasse
5071 Wals-Siezenheim
Tel. +43 050201 80 20170

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