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Gwandhaus | © Gössl Voir la galerie

Gössl - Gwandhaus

The fact that Salzburg loves its folk costumes is something you can see every day out on the streets. Several folkwear manufacturers nurture this tradition and combine it successfully with modern elements. One important local producer is the traditional Gössl company.

Chronicle of a Success Story

Grete and Leopold Gössl began making and selling blouses in Grödig back in 1947. The success story of the so-called “Pfoad” has culminated today in a top-quality folkwear collection with an immense following, both in the German-speaking world and beyond. With over 30 specialty stores and more than 150 partners in their dealer network, Gössl is one of the absolute greats amongst folk-fashion manufacturers.

The Gwandhaus

In 2004, Gössl revitalized the former Schlosshotel St. Rupert close to Schloss Hellbrunn and transformed it into the Gwandhaus. Today, Gössl utilizes the property as a shop, tailoring workshop and restaurant.

Inspiration and Innovation

Gössl works true to their motto: “As much tradition as possible and as much innovation as necessary”. The authenticity and originality of the label are thus guaranteed. Every year, they manufacture some 100,000 pieces for men, women and children, for the most part by hand. Their collections include the classic dirndl dress and janker jacket as well as attire for work, leisure and festive occasions. Accessories such as skill scarves and wraps, gloves and handbags complete the selection.

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