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Michael Haydn Gesellschaft - Logo | © Voir la galerie


The Johann Michael Haydn Society is dedicated to one of Salzburg's most important composers and Mozart's contemporary: Michael Haydn, Joseph Haydn's younger brother, lived in Salzburg from 1763 to 1806 and, as court musician, was a colleague of Mozart and his father. He is an integral part of Salzburg's musical history and contributed to the last cultural heyday of the prince-archbishopric.

Guardian of an almost forgotten treasure

The Johann Michael Haydn Society, founded in 1983, not only preserves the memory of Michael Haydn by researching, documenting and presenting his music and organising concerts, but also aims to keep Salzburg's diverse musical history alive with all its facets.

The Johann Michael Haydn Society maintains this important heritage in cooperation with the DomQuartier Salzburg, which, with the Residenz and Cathedral, includes original performance and working sites of the prince archbishops' court musicians. The Michael-Haydn-Museum has been located in the St. Peter Museum since 2014, and the DomQuartier's Music_App provides a comprehensive account of the life and work of Michael Haydn, his contemporaries and his predecessors in the service of the prince archbishops.

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