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Holzschnitzerei Kopfberger | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH Voir la galerie


An angel playing the flute welcomes visitors to Holzschnitzerei Kopfberger from afar. Whether traditional Alpine woodcarvings, Christmas decorations or cuckoo clocks – here, you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for.

Alpine wood art

For more than 50 years, wood carvings have been at the heart of the extensive range of products offered by the Holzschnitherei Kopfberger wood carving workshop in Salzburg's Judengasse. The value for money of the handcrafted items and the selection of selected woodcarvers make a visit to this traditional shop a must.

Wooden accessories and Christmas tree decorations

At Holzschnitzerei Kopfberger, the tradition of Christmas nativity scenes is cultivated and individual figures can also be purchased. Decorative secular carvings, angels, saints, Madonnas and, last but not least, skilfully crafted crosses can be found, as well as a wide range of accessories. Original key rings and clocks in designer wooden cases are also available.

  • Selection: woodcarvings, ceramics, silver accessories, Christmas decorations, beer mugs, pewter reliefs
  • Specialties: in addition to Alpine carvings, original cuckoo clocks and celestial figures

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