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Großer Saal, Mozartkino | © Mozartkino Voir la galerie


The Mozartkino at the Kasererbräu Hotel in the Kaigasse is Salzburg's oldest cinema, and one of the oldest still operational picture-houses in the world. Moving pictures have been shown here since 1905.

The predecessors of the Mozartkino date back to 1905, when Georg Barth presented the first shows with a cinematograph in the Lorieto Cinema Theatre. The cinema has been running since 1907.

During the 1950s and 1960s, it was a prominent première cinema, visited by well-known personalities. Romy Schneider was present at the première of Sissi, and the Spanish Queen Friederike attended the première of Traumland der Sehnsucht [Dreamland of Desire]. Photos of famous visitors are displayed in the foyer.

In 1987, during conversion work, remains of the walls of a second-century Roman temple of Asclepius were discovered; these can now be seen beside the screen in the Römersaal.

Today, the Mozartkino has two auditoriums: the Grosser Saal [large hall], which seats 263, and the Römersaal, which seats 136 and is under a preservation order. The programme focuses on European films and selected blockbusters.

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