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cultural association of Salzburg | © Salzburger Kulturvereinigung Voir la galerie

Salzburg Cultural Association

The Salzburger Kulturvereinigung is one of the leading concert organisers in Salzburg, and has, for 75 years, held most of its performances at the Großes Festspielhaus.

What does the Salzburger Kulturvereinigung do?

The Salzburg Kulturvereinigung was founded in 1947 as a kind of educational association for the people. Today it is one of Salzburg's most significant music organiser with almost 30 annual concerts at the Großes Festspielhaus. In addition to this musical focus, the Kulturvereinigung organises around 40 performances of Salzburg street theatre in the summer and runs the Georg Trakl Research and Memorial Centre.

Diverse year-round music programme

As a music organiser, the Kulturvereinigung presents local and international orchestras, conductors and artists as well as up-and-coming classical music talents. Over the past 75 years, the New Year's concerts in the Großes Festspielhaus have developed into important fixtures.

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