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Salzburger Heimatwerk | © Salzburger Heimatwerk Voir la galerie

Salzburger Heimatwerk

The Salzburger Heimatwerk has been housed in the New Residenz – where the Salzburg Museum is now also installed – since the mid-1940s. Its absolute priority is to preserve and promote the folk culture of the region.

Traditions within history-laden walls

Under the historic vaults of the New Residenz, the Salzburger Heimatwerk has plied its trade since 1946. As cultural organiser and commercial enterprise, the Heimatwerk aims primarily to promote the regional folk culture – in particular to preserve, cultivate and develop traditions of regional costumes, customs and handicrafts.

Custom-made regional costumes

The in-house tailoring and dressmaking workshop offers top-quality hand-made dirndls and traditional costumes that reflect both tradition and the modern spirit. The finest hand-woven and hand-printed fabrics, silk, coarse linen, exquisite designer products and leather clothing are all available here.

Traditional events

The temporary special exhibitions in the historic cellar vaults are always worth a visit. The Salzburger Heimatwerk also organises the Salzburg Adventsingen in the Large Festival Hall – one of the most famous traditional cultural events in the entire Alpine region.

  • Range: Salzburg handicrafts, traditional costumes, giftware, home design, books, CDs
  • Special feature: Ticket office for the famous Salzburg Adventsingen, nativity scene and other special exhibitions

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