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bike lane | © SalzburgerLand Tourismus Voir la galerie


The 351km-long Salzkammergut cycle route links Salzburg with well-known places such as Hallstatt and Bad Ischl. This makes cycling into the region of the Emperor's summer resort into a cultural experience.

Crystal-clear lakes and historic towns

You can start anywhere on the circular route leading through the Provinces of Salzburg, Upper Austria and Styria. Starting from Salzburg, you will pass through notable places, including St. Gilgen, the home-town of Mozart's mother, Bad Ischl, Emperor Franz Joseph's summer residence and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Hallstatt-Dachstein. On the way, beautiful lakes such as the Grundlsee, Traunsee, Attersee and Mondsee reflect the sunshine from their rippling water.

The route at a glance

Salzburg - Eugendorf - St. Gilgen – St. Wolfgang - Bad Ischl - Hallstätter See (Gosausee) - Bad Mitterndorf - Grundlsee - Altaussee - Bad Ischl - Traunsee - Gmunden - Attersee - Mondsee - Irrsdorf - Mattsee – Obertrum – Salzburg


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