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Sternadvent mit Wintermarkt | © Sternadvent Salzburg Voir la galerie

Stern Advent and Winter Market

Hidden between Getreidegasse and Griesgasse, in the lovingly decorated courtyard of the Sterbräu, is an idyllic Christmas market with art, crafts and winter products.

Idyllic gem in the heart of the Old City

An idyllic gem in the middle of the Old Town In Advent, the large courtyard is converted into a romantic village of chalets - the Sternadvent is an integral part of Salzburg's Christmas atmosphere. The elaborately decorated market stalls take visitors into a Christmas world in the middle of the Old Town.

As a winter market until the beginning of January

Special about the Sternadvent is that it continues after Christmas until 6 January as a 'winter market', giving visitors the opportunity to enjoy the unique atmosphere after the holidays too.

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