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Virtual Reality | © EXIT Adventures GmbH Voir la galerie

Virtual Escape Room Salzburg

Virtual Escape takes up to eight players into a virtual world of adventure. It takes the classic scavenger hunt to a new level. There are 25 different virtual reality escape room adventures to choose from.

The Games in Salzburg

There are 25 adventures to choose from across 7 categories. Newcomers to virtual reality will find something to suit them, as will fans of horror, video games and puzzles. There are also special adventures for families.

How do you play?

With special equipment in the form of VR glasses, headsets and hand controllers, every player is given access to a virtual universe. Two people play the game in an empty room – solving the puzzles together as a team. After a brief introduction to the basics, the game lasts about 50-60 minutes. A game manager is always there to answer any questions and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

All of the games are available in German and English. Games are recommended for children ages 10 and up.

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