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Lokal | © Yazzoon Voir la galerie

Yazzoon oriental Brunch & Dining Bar

Just a few minutes away from the most important sights in Salzburg, the Yazzoon restaurant is a real gem in the old town - a modern lifestyle restaurant with a modern oriental brunch, café, drinks & big city feeling as well as a dining bar in the evening with crossover fusion cuisine, such as steaks, cocktails and cool beats.

Culinary Selection
  • International cuisine, fusion cuisine
  • Glutenfree, vegan and vegetarian meals
  • Oriental brunch 9 am-5 pm
  • Lunch 11.30 am-2 pm
  • Exquisite evening menu with international dishes from 5:30 pm
Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • 1 room and bar
  • Seats inside: 55
  • Seats outdoors: 70
  • Groups welcome up to 55 persons
Additional Amenities
  • Children welcome
  • Dogs allowed

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