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Klavier im Rittersaal | © DQ Salzburg / Florian Stuerzenbaum Mostra galleria

Concerts in the Residenz

The Residenz in the heart of Salzburg's historic town centre is the ideal setting for this concert series. The concerts last 45 minutes and make for a perfect introduction to Salzburg the City of Music.

Over the centuries, the court of the prince-archbishops was the centre of a richly varied cultural scene. Court musicians including Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber, Georg Muffat, Michael Haydn and Mozart father and son composed works for performance in these very rooms, and themselves participated as performing musicians.

These concerts, held in the Fischbrunnensaal in the Residenz, focus on music from the archiepiscopal court, and particularly on works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Dates and details:

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