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Golling Fortress | © Burg Golling Mostra galleria

Golling Castle Museum

Golling Castle Museum lies about 30 km from Salzburg City, inviting visitors to embark on a fascinating journey back through the history of Golling and the surrounding region.

The many treasures of the museum collection

The museum at Golling Castle has received multiple awards – including the Austrian Museum Seal of Quality. Just one look at the array of exhibits attests to the variety: including a mammoth tusk, which is over 30,000 years old, fossils and a collection of historical timepieces.

Golling Castle – then and now

The first mention of a structure at this location dates back to the year 798. By the Early Middle Ages, a wooden fortification stood here to guard what was a major transit artery, later transformed into a stone structure by the 13th century. The museum was opened in 1971, since when it has offered rotating special exhibitions in combination with its intriguing permanent collections of fossils, minerals and clocks. Today, the historically listed building is owned and administered by the town of Golling.


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