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Reformhaus Mayreder | © Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Breitegger G. Показать галерею

Mayreder Health Foods

Mayreder's health-food store stands amid the bustle of the daily market on the Universitätsplatz. The tasteful interior and an unrivalled range of healthy delicacies and natural products have made the store a real institution in Salzburg's Old Town.

"Natural“ market bustle

When Fritz Mayreder founded his health-food store, the future great "organic boom" was not yet on the horizon, but "natural foods" – as the shop-front advertises – have always been topical. The building, dating from 1380, stands on the Universitätsplatz, which became a market-place in 1857. The interior furnishings are the original ones, but the range has expanded enormously.

Healthy delicacies

A more recent item is the large counter with an impressive selection of dried fruit and nuts, sold open and including walnut halves, roasted hazelnuts and unsweetened dried mangos. Next to this counter, vegetable juices are served; the carrot juice with sea-buckthorn syrup brings many customers to the Old Town. The range of products is the usual for a health-food store. Many are staple items, but there are interesting recent additions. Spoilt for choice, the customer can rely on competent help from the staff.

  • Product range: Teas, herb mixtures, juices, Hildegard von Bingen products, extensive range of dried foods, oils, jams and marmalades
  • Special features: juice bar, including carrot, sea-buckthorn, etc.


Reformhaus Mayreder-Winzer
Universitätsplatz 13
5020 Salzburg
Тел. +43662 843129

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