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Outdoor Lounge | © Helge Kirchberger Photography / Red Bull Hangar-7 Voir la galerie

Outdoor Lounge im Red Bull Hangar-7

Every airport has a visitors' terrace. The most beautiful, perhaps, but definitely the one with the most delicious food is the Hangar-7 Outdoor Lounge at Salzburg Airport. Specialty meats from all over the world can be combined with any of the sauces and side dishes. In fact, the whole meal can be put together just as diners want. The menu is the order slip at the same time – simply mark your choice with a cross, and a while later you'll be able to feast on exactly what you want.

Culinary Selection
  • Austrian and international cuisine

  • Delicious grilled food, prepared to the highest standards

  • Vegetarian meals

Dining Spaces and Group Information 
  • Seats outdoors: 50 
Additional Amenities

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