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Führung durch die Festspielhäuser | © knaro.at Показать галерею

Festival Halls - Guided Tours [Festspielhäuser Führungen]

The daily guided tours of the Large Festival Hall [Großes Festspielhaus], the House for Mozart [Haus für Mozart] and the the Summer Riding School [Felsenreitschule] provide an insight into the exciting world of art, theatre and the Salzburg Festival.

If you ever wanted to get a look behind the curtains of the world-famous Salzburg Festival, you get the best chance with these daily tours. Apart from the three Festival Houses (the Great Festival Hall [Großes Festspielhaus], the House for Mozart [Haus für Mozart] and the Rocky Riding School [Felsenreitschule], you see the foyers and auditorium. Please note that due to setup and performances, not all rooms are open to public every day.

Good to know:
  • Meeting point: Festival shop (entrance, column)
  • Maximum 20 persons
  • Tickets sales 15 minutes before the tour in the Festival shop
  • Duration of tour: approx. 50 minutes, in German and English
  • Inlcuded in the SalzburgCard

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