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Tax Free Shopping | © TSG / Bildnachweis: Altstadtmarketing

Tax Free Shopping

Tax-Free Shopping: All guests who are not EU residents have a right to a refund of the Austrian value added tax which is included in the purchase price of products. Minimum invoice amount: € 75.01.

Here’s how it works:

Request from the seller a completed tax-free form (your name and foreign home address must be entered) and the envelope with a directory of all refund points. The original receipt must be stapled to the tax-free form.

When departing the EU, show your purchase to the customs official at the border and have your tax-free form stamped with the outbound customs stamp. Without this stamp, refunds are not possible. You will be able to collect your refund at one of over 700 refund points worldwide (e.g. at airports or in your home country), or submit your tax-free form to a tax-free service provider to have the funds transferred to your account.

Tax free shopping - Guidelines for tourists 


Refund point next to the train station:

  • interchange, Kaiserschützenstraße 8 (International Refund - Premier Tax Free und Global Blue)

Refund point next to the airport:

A listing of other refund points in Austria and abroad can be found on the websites of these tax-free service providers: 

Fact sheet Global Blue Tax Refund
in Englisch
in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Arabic

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