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Digitale Noten von Mozart | © Digitale Mozart-Edition Mostra galleria

Digital Mozart Edition

In order to make the œuvre of W.A. Mozart comprehensively accessible to scholars, enthusiasts and musicians, the Mozarteum Foundation has published the Digital Mozart Edition (DME), a collection of musical sources and historical documents for free use.

What is the DME?

As the guardian of W. A. Mozart's legacy, the Salzburg Mozarteum Foundation systematically collects and evaluates information on his works and their sources. The DME is a meta-search engine which can be accessed worldwide free of charge for scholarly, private and educational purposes. In short, the DME is a digital Mozart database. No other composer's work is accessible in such an interactive, individual and unrestricted manner online.

What can be found in the Digital Mozart Edition?

Apart form the composer's musical works, the DME provides a multitude of letters and documents, libretti and texts, sources and catalogues. These include, for instance, different versions of texts which can thus easily be compared digitally, or the indispensable Köchel catalogue. The Mozart family letters, which grant an important insight into the culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, are also on display.

What is DIME and how can it be used?

The core of the Digital Mozart Edition is the Digital-interactive Mozart Edition (DIME). The DIME portal provides digital data which users can adapt to their requirements interactively. It offers a wide range of options for selecting excerpts of works, which can also be synchronised with existing sound recordings or played back as MIDI files. DIME also enables the comparison of several versions of works authorised by the composer and provides insights into the original sources on which they are based.

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