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Eingang | © Rainer-Regimentsmuseum Salzburg Показать галерею

Rainer Regimental Museum Salzburg

The Rainer Regimental Museum forms part of the museums on Hohensalzburg Fortress. It commemorates the former Salzburg house regiment, formally known as “k. u. k. Infanterieregiment ‘Erzherzog Rainer’ No. 59”, and exhibits weapons, uniforms and other memorabilia from times of war and peace.

The significance of the museum

Hohensalzburg Fortress has been home to the Rainer Regiment since 1924. The purpose of the exhibition is to memorialize a regiment that was one of the most steadfast in all of Austria, even taking the field against the Turks all the way back in 1682. The name of the regiment derives from Archduke Rainer Ferdinand, a nephew twice-removed of Emperor Franz Joseph I.

The museum today

The nucleus of this exhibition in eight rooms are artifacts from times of war and peace. Weapons, uniforms, photos, spoils of war and much more recall the service and successes of this regiment, especially during World War I. At that time, the regiment saw around 5000 of its soldiers fall in battle.

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