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Die Weisse | © Die Weisse / Valentin Weinhaeupl Photography Voir la galerie

Die Weisse - Brewery

Salzburg brewery “Die Weisse” is Austria’s oldest Weissbier brewery. Since 1901, wheat beers have been brewed in innovative ways and to the highest quality standards here in Schallmoos.

Salzburg’s most famous Weissbier

Adelbert Behr is generally regarded as the founding father of Salzburg’s Weissbier tradition.  Back in 1900, at his small brewery in Schallmoos, he began brewing the first light wheat beer, the starting point for what would become a fabulous success story. To this day, the beer produced by “Die Weisse” is brewed in strict adherence to the original recipe, standing proudly and impressively alongside the other representatives of Salzburg’s beer culture.

Tradition meets Innovation

Aside from focusing on traditional brewing artistry, “Die Weisse” also values progress and ongoing development. With their introduction of the first gluten-free organic wheat beer in 2015, the team which surrounds Felix Gmachl filled a gap on the international market. The bottle featuring a swing stopper guarantees a secondary fermentation process which makes their Weissbier quite unique, responsible for the characteristic fruity aroma as well as the fine-beaded head.

If you want to enjoy one of their brews in an authentic setting, there is nowhere better than the brewery’s own traditional inn or in the shaded beer garden.


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